
June 06, 2022Started my FT role at Apple as a Sensory Perception Researcher!
May 15, 2022Pub Alert: A window into the tired brain published in Human Factors!
May 07, 2022Graduated with my Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering!!
April 22, 2022Recognized with the Research Excellence Award by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering!
April 04, 2022Pub Alert: Human-centered intelligent training in emergency response in the AI Magazine!
March 09, 2022Successfully defended my PhD dissertation!
Closed-Loop Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation as a Fatigue Countermeasure
Feb 08, 2022My research was featured in an episode of the The Next Byte podcast, catch the episode here.
Feb 05, 2022Pub Alert: Stress Detection during Motor Activity in Older Adults in the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing!
Jan 19, 2022My doctoral research on NHANCE was in the news!
Dec 17, 2021My paper award at HFES '21 was featured in a TAMU news blurb!
Oct 24, 2021Awarded the Best Student Paper Award by the ACTG at HFES 2021!
Sept 27, 2021Our latest work on the effects of tDCS on fatigue was published in Nature Scientific Reports!
Aug 17, 2021Awarded the College of Engineering's Graduate Teaching Fellowship for Fall 2021!
Aug 01, 2021Abstract on the differential impacts of tDCS on human working memory accepted to the Neuroergonomics Conference 2021!
July 12, 2021Awarded the Graduate Fellowship for Preparing Future Faculty in ME (PF2ME) for 2021-22!
June 30, 2021Journal article on recognizing learning states in virtual reality published in Brain Sciences!
June 07, 2021Thrilled to be accepted to the Neuromatch academy's summer school on Computational Neuroscience (NMA-CN), and Deep Learning (NMA-DL).
May 17, 2021Paper on understanding fatigue during a visuospatial working memory test accepted to the HFES Annual Conference 2021.
May 06, 2021Awarded the MEEN Graduate Summer Research Grant for my dissertation work!
Feb 22, 2021Proposal on Personalization for Sensorimotor Learning in VR accepted to the AEC 2021.
Oct 08, 2020Paper on Augmenting Working Memory through NeuroStimulation accepted to the IEEE Brain Workshop on Advanced Neurotechnologies
Sept 09, 2020Late-breaking abstract on Stress-detection under Fatigue accepted to the 2020 IISE Annual Conference.
Aug 31, 2020Paper on building a Closed-loop Neurostimulation Framework for Vigilance accepted to the 2020 IEEE SMC Conference.
Aug 01, 2020Paper on ANNs for Stress Detection in the Elderly accepted to the UBICOMP/ISWC 2020.